Add real time location intelligence to you field operations enabling teams to plan, schedule, collaborate and serve your customer even better.
Use in built industry standard field scenarios for operations on field. Roll out new workflows and forms on the fly. Field Mobility was never this easy.
With easy to use JSON or webservice APIs connect your backend systems in double quick time. Enable access to dasboards and reports to field executive.
Equip your field worker to visualize route at the start of the day and plan visits ahead of time.
Configure customized PDF reports to be generated for completed field tasks. Download the service reports for billing or other documentation eliminating time consuming and expensive data entry operations.
Save updates now and synchronize with server automatically when Internet becomes available
Capture photos and audio during the field activity.Enable a richer data for analysis and compliance.
View, Request and Update spare part requests directly through mEdge while on site or on the go.
Send Group Notifications & Alerts to officially communicate with field users.
Keep your customer informed with intelligent triggers that are based on the field executives actions.
The platform is equipped with dashboards and simple visualization tools for everyday operations. In-depth reports provide data to asses effciency and build best-in-class.
Secure activation for authenticated access. Our remote data wipe techlonogy assures tension free operations in case of loss/theft of phones or change in users.
CONNECT - your field operations to office operations with real-time access to information and people. OPTIMIZE - your decision making with co-ordinated field teams and improved first visit resolution. GROW - your business with reduced field operation costs and improved customer satisfaction.
Step 1 : Connect backend, Install mEdge and push field jobs.
Step 2 : Field Resource receives tasks on app, completes job and instantly updates details of completion.
Back office operations – monitor, report, analyse and optimize field processes
Join our growing list of partners to provide your customers a world class product made from the ground up for non-desk workers.
Expand your horizons to include the mobility edge.
Visualize, train and manage our platform to increase profitability - for your business as well as your customer’s.
Million+ Transactions
+ Countries
Vitamap is an emerging enterprise mobility provider with a sharp focus on field force mobility. Our products are created from the ground up for businesses that rely on mobile employees. Our quest leads to a state of transformation with perfect information in real-time.